Wednesday, January 20, 2010

LHitBW - Chapter 2 - Part 2

I made my own butter once. Or rather, I attempted to, and it didn't turn out very well. It was a project for an extracurricular course I took in elementary school, one entitled, "Life 200 Years Ago." In that course, we learned to sew, to bake, to air-dry fruit for storage, and yes, to churn butter.

We all used a large yogurt tub, and made a dasher from popsicle sticks. But maybe the milk I used didn't have a high enough cream content or something, because no matter how hard or long I worked at it, all I got was milk that looked like it was starting to go off.

Funny enough, that incident hasn't discouraged me, and I've been interested in trying to make my own butter again for years now. The problem is making a decent churn and dash, and buying cream for it. And knowing, too, that it'll be a very small pat of butter that I end up making, because I can't afford to spend $20 or more on enough cream to make a semi-decent amount of butter when I could just buy that butter for a much lower price.

Sometimes making things by hand end up more expensive than just buying it from the store.

But perhaps some day I'll do it anyway, just to say that I have, and that this time it actually worked.

And just for fun, I'll colour it with the juice from a grated carrot.

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